Goal 1: draft process mapping

In sprint 3, we held process mapping workshops for our 6 focus funding streams with colleagues from digital delivery, operational excellence, ESFA communications and DfE policy. 

We gathered information including:  

  • a high-level overview about what they do at each stage of the process 
  • the formats and platforms they use 
  • how long each stage takes 
  • their needs and challenges 
  • how they navigate any challenges

We used this information to create our internal ways of working process map. We also added it to our high-level process maps for two funding streams, pupil premium and PE and sport premium. 

High-level process map

We mapped the high-level process for pupil premium and PE and sport premium, this includes information about: 

  • content and analysis of allocations and payment information 
  • provider user journey 
  • internal operator journey and platforms  
  • internal support process  
  • challenges for both internal operators and external users

Once the maps for each funding stream are completed, we will validate them with the relevant teams. 

We will work on mapping the high-level process for other funding streams in our next sprint. 

Internal ways of working map

We have created a map, with all the grants at the same time, to show the complex interactions that internal operators have with other teams.  

Once this map is completed, we will validate it with the relevant teams. 

We will share screenshots of both the internal ways of working map and high-level process maps once they have been validated. 

Goal 2: send survey to external users

We planned for the survey to be distributed via the ESFA Update on the 10 July. However, due to the election period, a blanket ban was put on research requests within this edition. Our survey will now be sent via the ESFA update on the 17 July. 

Goal 3: prepare for and carry out user research sessions with external users

We have conducted 2 user interviews so far. These have allowed us to start understanding the experiences, needs and challenges of those within academies and academy trusts that receive funding communications.  

We are continuing our outreach to potential participants via alternative routes, such as direct contacts that other teams within ESFA have with academy and academy trust staff. We will be scheduling more sessions before the start of the school summer holidays. 

Goal 4: pull out key content findings and implement into process map for 2 funding streams

In previous sprints, we documented the allocations and payment information content for each funding stream. This documentation captured the content journey for providers.  

We pulled out the key findings and added them into the high-level process maps for pupil premium and PE and sport premium. 


During this sprint, we have also created a timeline which shows the complexity of content that providers get for each funding stream over time.  

This timeline includes dates for:

  • ESFA updates  
  • allocations and payment information  
  • payments 
  • important updates to content

Sprint 5 goals

Next sprint, our goals are to:

  • complete process mapping for next 2 funding streams
  • send survey to external users
  • continue to carry out user research with external users
  • add content findings into process maps for next 2 funding streams
  • gain an understanding of remittances
  • complete a first draft of emerging themes
  • validate first 3 funding stream process maps

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