Below we’ve outlined the recommendations for a digital delivery team to take forward to alpha. All of our recommendations link to our findings.

We’ve also made recommendations that are outside the remit of a digital team. These recommendations would improve external users experience, as well as internal processes and efficiency. We’ve shared these recommendations with ESFA leadership to ensure they reach the relevant teams.

Our recommendations for a digital delivery team to take forward into an alpha are to:

  • explore and assess the feasibility of having a single platform that centralises all ESFA funding communications and provides information that meets user needs
  • improve existing and create new GOV.UK guidance content
  • ensure all communications clearly specify funding periods
  • explore how might we make the process easier for trusts
  • explore how might we standardise formats for communications
  • work with other internal teams, such as the digital team looking at capital funding, to understand how we can make our services consistent and the DfE Connect team to understand user journeys

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