This map shows the different ways ESFA and DfE communicate allocation and payment information to academies. It includes all of the funding streams an academy could receive, depending on the age group of its pupils. It is based on information gathering carried out in Sprints 1 and 2.

The format for the allocation information for many of the funding streams is ‘spreadsheet on GOV.UK’. These separate spreadsheets for each funding stream include the names and funding allocations for all schools eligible for the funding stream, which number in the thousands. The spreadsheet also includes some of the data used to calculate the allocation. An academy must find themselves on the spreadsheet to find their own allocation.

Map is described in the body of the text

General annual grant (GAG)

Allocated on: academic year 1 September to 31 August
Received by: all academies
Users are notified allocation information is available by: automated email from Document exchange (now) and automated email from MYESF (future)
Platform for allocation information: Document exchange (now) and MYESF (future)
Format for allocation information: PDF statement (now) and on screen statement (future)
Platform for payment information: Document Exchange
Format for payment information: PDF payment schedule (joint with 16 to 19) with months and payment amounts

Teacher pay additional grant (TPAG)

Allocated on: financial year 1 April to 31 March
Received by: all pre 16 academies
Users are notified allocation information is available by: ESFA update
Platform for allocation information: spreadsheet on GOV.UK
Format for allocation information: ODS spreadsheet
Platform for payment information: GOV.UK guidance (conditions of funding)
Format for payment information: months of payments and indication of being divided into 2 instalments

Teacher pension employer contribution grant (TPECG)

Allocated on: financial year (1 April to 31 March)
Received by: all pre 16 academies
Users are notified allocation information is available by: ESFA update
Platform for allocation information: spreadsheet on GOV.UK
Format for allocation information: ODS spreadsheet
Platform for payment information: GOV.UK guidance
Format for payment information: reference to 2 tranches. Specific date for first payment and month of second payment given on different guidance page

Universal infant free school meals

Allocated on: academic year
Received by: all academies with infant aged pupils
Users are notified allocation information is available by: ESFA update
Platform for allocation information: spreadsheet on GOV.UK
Format for allocation information: ODS spreadsheet
Platform for payment information: GOV.UK guidance
Format for payment information: months of 2 payments and fractions of 7/12 and 5/12

Pupil premium

Allocated on: financial year (1 April to 31 March)
Received by: all pre 16 academies
Users are notified allocation information is available by: ESFA update
Platform for allocation information: spreadsheet on GOV.UK
Format for allocation information: ODS spreadsheet
Platform for payment information: GOV.UK guidance
Format for payment information: 4 specific dates given and reference to quarterly instalments

PE and sport premium (PSG)

Allocated on: academic year (1 September to 31 August)
Received by: all academies with pupils in years 1 to 6 (not reception)
Users are notified allocation information is available by: ESFA update
Platform for allocation information: View latest funding
Format for allocation information: on screen and ODS spreadsheet
Platform for payment information: GOV.UK guidance (conditions of grant)
Format for payment information: 2 specific dates given and reference to 2 instalments

Early career framework

Allocated on: academic year (1 September to 31 August)
Received by: all academies with eligible teachers in their early career
Users are notified allocation information is available by: ESFA update
Platform for allocation information: spreadsheet on GOV.UK
Format for allocation information: ODS spreadsheet
Platform for payment information: GOV.UK guidance
Format for payment information: no dates and no indication of how payments will be split. Reference to “paid in arrears”

16 to 19

Allocated on: academic year (1 September to 31 August)
Received by: academies with sixth forms
Users are notified allocation information is available by: automated email notification from Document Exchange and ESFA update\ Platform for allocation information: Document Exchange
Format for allocation information: PDF allocation statement
Platform for payment information: payment schedule on Document Exchange (joint with GAG)
Format for payment information: PDF payment schedule (joint with GAG) with months and payment amounts

16 to 19 teachers pension scheme employer contribution grant

Allocated on: financial year (1 April to 21 March)
Received by: academies with sixth forms
Users are notified allocation information is available by: ESFA update
Platform for allocation information: spreadsheet on GOV.UK
Format for allocation information: ODS spreadsheet
Platform for payment information: GOV.UK guidance
Format for payment information: reference to 2 tranches. Specific date for first payment. Month of second payment given on different guidance page

Adult skills fund (previously known as adult education budget)

Allocated on: funding year (1 August to 31 July)
Received by: academies that deliver adult education (currently 10)
Users are notified allocation information is available by: ESFA update
Platform for allocation information: MYESF
Format for allocation information: ODS spreadsheet
Platform for payment information: payment schedule in contracts and funding agreements

Adult learner loans bursary and adult learner loans facility

Allocated on: funding year (1 August to 31 July)
Received by: academies that deliver adult education (currently 10)
Users are notified allocation information is available by: ESFA update
Platform for allocation information: MYESF
Format for allocation information: on screen statement
Platform for payment information: payment schedule in contracts and funding agreements

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