As we've integrated with DfE Identity, this has enabled for information to be pre-populated and gathered, rather than rely on the user to provide it.

One example of this is how we can use information from the Teacher Pensions Service to find out at what school a teacher has taught in the previous year, and where they teach now. Previously the user was required to input this information, which required several interactions to find and select the right school. As the pension data can sometimes be out of date, we've designed for it to be presented back to the user with an option to select it, or select something else.

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We've also been able to enable telling users how much they can expect to be repaid by using data from the Student Loan Company. Previously, we weren't telling the user how much they'd be repaid and we were receiving data from the Student Loan Company after a user has submitted. As we are now receiving information before their submission is complete, we can play back the information to the user (example below has placeholder content).

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