What is the contract handover journey?

The contract handover happens towards the end of a procurement. The core activity is procurement operations sharing the finalise contract information with the school buying professional at an educational establishment. The contract should then be stored in a safe location.

Problems with the current journey

This is the second Galaxkey journey in the procurement process and is subject to the same/similar problems listed in the Replace Galaxkey for evaluators post.

The current contract handover journey

A simplified description of the evaluation journey can be described as:

  1. School buying professional receives email telling them to log into Galaxkey
  2. School buying professional signs in to Galaxkey
  3. School buying professional downloads contract documents
  4. School buying professional saves contract documents to as secure and permanent location

What we want to change

We want to reuse the designs made for the evaluator journey so that we can use existing patterns and work. This should allow us to meet the need of removing Galaxkey as soon as possible with the least amount of effort. We will rely on existing manual processes to fill the gaps in the new journey, we expect this to be dealing with the unhappy path.

With this in mind, we plan to get:

  1. procurement operations to upload the contract documents
  2. procurement operations to specify recipients email addresses
  3. the service to email school buying professionals so that they can log in to their “portal”
  4. school buying professionals to download and save the documents to a safe place


  • To use as many existing components that were made for the evaluator journey as possible.
  • To create as few new or bespoke components as possible.
  • To create patterns (components and copy) that speaks to the action, such as downloading, rather than the specific task (download the contract). This will help us make more reusable work.


Due to team composition and time constraints these Galaxkey replacement journeys have not gone though usability testing. We have recorded this risk and attempted to de-risk by showing work at "Gateway calls" (show and tells with procurement operations) and thought 1:1 sessions with Julie Batey Commercial Lead in procurement operations.

The design iteration

View the Lucid board to see the proposed journey and how it moved from procurement operations tasks to the evaluators and back again. View the journey in Lucid Spark