An opportunity to deliver value sooner
As part of the work for replacing Galaxkey for evaluators we knew that we wanted to automatically send an email inviting evaluators to start work. At the time we did not think about the contents of this email as we did not have a content designer on the team and it did not block us designing a solution.
During a play back to the Procurement operations team they indicated their desire to get a template earlier as the current standardised template was not in use, meaning there was a lot of variation of content.
Building on existing emails
We investigated some examples of emails that we sent in the service and different emails that invited evaluators to start working. This allowed us to define a set of information that should be common on all email templates and information specific to this email.
We needed to include:
- The school name and “invitation to complete procurement evaluation” so that the email could be clearly identified in a mail box.
- The establishment and sub category for the procurement. Evaluators should be warmed up before this template is sent. They should be aware that they need to do an evaluation and what they are evaluating. Including this information here allows us to explicitly disambiguate this from any other procurement they may also be working on.
- A step by step outline of the whole evaluation process so that we can set expectations
- The suppliers to be evaluated so that conflicts of interest can be identified before evaluations start
- Guidance on how conflicts of interest may be mitigated
- A link to some video guidance so that evaluators are aware of their responsibilities and best practice
- A way to get help in a way that is convenient for everyone
Creating the to be email template
Knowing this information we wrote the email template for the to-be process. We felt we understood this better at this point in time, and did not want to context shift to first deal with the current process.
We used the style guide to write the first iteration. Then reviewed and iterated the template on a call with a DfE content designer
The template was then shared with the team and head of procurement operations to further refine. Once we felt enough effort had be spent for the improvements we were getting, we wrote a ticket to deliver this in the live service.
Adapting the email template to the current ways of working
After some quick desk research and discussion with the head of Procurement operations we understood the current manual process, the major pain points and what changes would be needed to adapt the to-be email template.
The biggest takeaway was the issues around dealing with Galaxkey support queries and request for help sent directly to individual procurement operations staff, which then have to be manually imported into the service. By embedding a link to Galaxkey support on the Galaxkey step in the email guidance we hope to reduce the number of support requests that come to procurement operations.
We spent some time thinking about how to best get schools to contact us for support, as the service needs some specific identifiers in the subject of the email to tie it to a given procurement. After looking at links in the email, where users could just copy the reply address text, rather than click on it and loose all identifiers we need to include, we thought it would be easier overall for everyone if we made it a little harder for schools and forced them to click the reply button in their mail client. It is not a big burden to click the mail client reply button and frequently it is at the top of the screen at all times.
Including next steps
By explaining what needs to be done after this task we could provide some answers/reassurance around what might happen when the process does not follow the happy path. We were also able to prime evaluators about the next key task, moderation.
Copy of the email template
[Insert School Name] Invitation to complete procurement evaluation
[Establishment Name] has asked you to participate in the evaluation process for a [Sub-category] procurement.
Follow the steps below to complete this evaluation:
- Complete the declaration of interest form If you do not have a conflict of interest with any of the following suppliers, then sign the attached declaration and reply to this email with the completed declaration as an attachment.
What happens if I identify a conflict of interest?
In some situations, it is possible to mitigate a conflict of interest. When this is not possible a new evaluator can be selected.
Reply to this email if you have a conflict of interest so the procurement is not delayed.
- Watch the evaluation training video (10 minutes) The video provides necessary knowledge for scoring and justifying your assessments. Evaluators are required to be appropriately trained to evaluate tenders in a fair, transparent, and compliant manner.
You must watch the evaluation training video before starting the evaluation process. The video link is:
- Download evaluation pack using Galaxkey You will be sent an email giving you access to Galaxkey, a secure email service that is used for sending confidential documents. Sign up for an account and download the evaluation pack.
Contact if you have any issues creating or signing into an account
- Complete the evaluation Complete the tasks required by [Evaluation Due Date] or the procurement could be delayed.
Help completing the evaluation
Bids must be evaluated using the pre-populated evaluation sheet with scores allocated using the scoring methodology and reasoning noted. Bids must be evaluated independently of each other and other evaluators. Insufficient justification for scores will result in evaluations being returned, which could delay the procurement.
Reply to this email if you have any questions or need help.
- Return the evaluation
Reply to this email and attach the completed evaluations. These will then be reviewed to ensure they have been completed. We will contact you again if there are any problems.
- Attend the moderation meeting
The moderation meeting is scheduled for [Day] [Date] [Time]
{{caseworker_full_name}} Procurement Specialist Get help buying for schools
Reply to this email within 15 working days or by the date we agreed. Late replies can delay the procurement process.
We'll close the case if we don't hear back from you. You can reopen the case at any time by replying to this email.
Get help buying for schools service disclaimer
The expertise and advice being provided by the Service shall not in any way affect your obligations to comply with all relevant procurement law and the Department’s guidance, including but not limited to the Public Contracts Regulations, Academy Trust Handbook, ESFA Funding Agreement and the Schemes for Financing Local Authority Maintained schools.
For the avoidance of doubt, the Department shall bear no liability as a result of using our Service.