What we changed
- Added in more information for proc ops to understand live case values at a top level and also down to individual towers.
- Made each data point a link which takes the users to a search page eg ‘all catering > level 3 > on hold’
- Added missing data section to make it easier to find where data has not been entered.
Why we changed this
We know that value is a very important factor for the proc ops team and the project as a whole. Displaying the value will help proc ops understand where value is being saved and whether they need to adjust any capacity to ensure value isn’t lost
We know that finding cases needs improving and by allowing users to click through at each data point will make it easier to look at the cases which are most important.
We know that displaying ‘unspecified’ for case levels and stages was very useful for highlighting which cases had missing data and we’ve taken then further by adding more missing data information and more importantly a way to view those cases.
We know there is a lot of reliance on using spreadsheets as trackers, the case statistics starts to take some of that data away from the tracker.
How it works
Users will now be able to find cases with certain criteria that are important. Each data point is a link which will work as a search filter.
Further considerations
We know that making each data point a link is fixing a problem with how proc ops find and work on cases that are relevant for them, but we know this should be fixed elsewhere rather than using the case statistics page.
We still need to further understand the reliance on spreadsheets and trackers and how far we are away from removing them completely.